I think I've discovered a topic that generates almost as many comments as wandering cats, and that's neighbors with barking dogs. Here is a sampling of the emails I received.

New Pet Pal LogoDEAR JOAN: As one who has experienced a neighbor's barking dogs — resolved but with considerable angst — (here's) a suggestion for solving such.

Buy a recorder, preferably one that has a date and start and stop times. Place it in a spot in your yard that is not obviously trying to make the most of a situation, and let it run all day — or night, depending on the time the barking takes place the most.

Get extra tapes or gadgets that do the recording. Take a picture of where you put it. After collecting that for a number of consecutive days — I suggest a full week — take them to your police department to support that you are not a crank simply trying to make trouble.

I have found asking the neighbor to do something about it does diddly-squat, cookies or no. Too often they deny their dogs do anything. In my case, I took it to a city hearing and I prevailed.

The city I live in — I will not reveal which city — has strict ordinances on barking dogs.  The fines start at $200 per citation and cap out at $1,000 a day. Who with a barking dog wants to face that? Financial reality hits them in the face.

If the community the writer lives in does not have such an ordinance, challenge the city council to enact one.

The problem is not a bad dog; the problem is a bad owner. Does it make for an unhappy neighbor?  Possibly, but you have one of two choices: do something or live with it.

Stan Morgan, Bay Area

DEAR JOAN: Unfortunately, I had a small dog that barked and scratched at the door nonstop while I was at work. My neighbor never spoke to me but went straight to animal control, which came out, inspected the situation and cited me.

I had no idea it was happening. I had to figure out something else to manage the dog and keep peace, which I did. I would have been happier had she come to me first.

Wisti Quenneville, Bay Area

DEAR JOAN: The poor people with the barking dog problem need to get an electronic high frequency device they can mount on their side of the property that will train the dog to stop barking. It is activated by the noise and emits an uncomfortable sound only the dog can hear.

Dogs learn quickly that stopping barking stops the sound. (The devices) are readily available in various sizes and shapes — some are made to look like birdhouses — and have the ability to focus sound in a specific direction.

A device called Bark Free saved the life of my brother-in-law, a highway patrolman, when he was working graveyard and living in a neighborhood in North Sacramento with three yappy dogs right across the fence from their bedroom. They took it with them when they moved to Hawaii and are now using it to quiet the neighbor's pig-hunting dog, chained in the backyard.

Candy, Bay Area

DEAR JOAN: I spearheaded a noise ordinance in Orinda some years ago, which addresses barking dogs by police action. Maybe this lady can contact (her) city and file a complaint.

I also suggest recording the barking.

Lynn Brewer, Orinda