
what to do if your mom catches you masturbating

Take your parents caught yous masturbating?


So if your a girl and your parents hear or take hold of you masturbating for the starting time fourth dimension what would yous do and how would you feel? Guys, how would you feel if your parents caught you?

Accept your parents caught y'all masturbating?

Most Helpful Guys

  • MrShinyPants

    My mom has walked in several times, but thankfully i exercise it while wearing shorts to make it easier to hide, and so finish in the bath. One time i came a little earlier and so expected because id been doing it off and on through out the solar day and correct as i started she stinking came in, had to human action my hardest like nothing was happening fifty-fifty though there was, totally killed it

  • lopflodin

    Im similar xc% sure my mum caught me once I don't know neither she or i said anything but pretended it didn't happen and everything somewhen went dorsum to normal

    • Anonymous

      I feel similar that's what might have happened to me only I might merely exist paranoid

    • lopflodin

      Probably amend off just playing it cool

Virtually Helpful Girls

  • Anonymous

    No, but that'due south because I practice it when they're not home... and even if they did, who cares? Masturbation is perfectly normal. Nosotros have to get off on something to run into our sexual desires right? Humans are naturally sexually creatures...

  • ElizabethE_2004

    Yes she did catch me and she spanked me and then difficult I never masturbated once again at habitation

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What Girls & Guys Said

6 16

  • funny_strange_man

    My mom walked in on me in my room when I was a teenager and caught me. Last calendar week my mom walked in my house and I didn't realize information technology and she saw me on the burrow naked masterbating. It didn't bother me since I kept on going until I came and she saw information technology on Meas I was walking around the business firm with it on me.

    • Curiousness23

      LMFAOOO !

    • funny_strange_man

    • Curiousness23

      dunno that story is funny the fact that u kept masturbating while your mom defenseless u similar hey son and yous walking effectually the house like nothing weird happened that'south just funny to me

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  • Jj1992

    I was almost defenseless several times but I don't get caught anymore cuz I look till my parents are asleep and I lock the door cuz they sometimes walk in to cheque on me so I lock my door look till their asleep and then that I tin can masturbate and make the fapping racket that I like and I don't get caught anymore

  • slatyb

    Masturbation is perfectly normal. EVERYONE does it. My parents were cool they wouldn't accept said anything. I'm lamentable if your parents aren't so cool. Perchance it'south time for you to move out?

  • Anpu23

    No my female parent never caught me, but I did walk in on her once :S

  • Yumix

    eh it has been shut... really close. didn't see it directly only I'grand pretty certain my dad knew what I was doing haha

  • thoronmegil

    Late ane evening in high school I'm pretty sure I got caught. I didn't hear my door open, merely I heard it close. Even so don't know who it was.

    Like 1 Person

  • Anonymous

    I only exercise it 2 time and they don't caught me crusade I'thou repose and didn't practice any noise.
    I don't do it anymore cause they always come and check on me the dark

  • Octavius

    My female parent THINKS she defenseless me masturbating one time (I actually wasn't jerking off though)

    Have I always been legitimately caught? no

    Like ane Person

  • Anonymous

    Wait till they're not home or r asleep. Pretty basic.

  • Anonymous

    My parents never caught me simply eek I caught my mother once.

    • Anonymous

      Wow. Did she know you saw her? What happened?

    • Anonymous

      I turned the corner, saw her splayed out like a expressionless frog and rapidly turned around wishing my eyes would melt out of my skull. She definitely saw me. I too caught my dad fucking the waitress at the golf club in the same room. Skillful times.

    • Anonymous

      I'd wish the aforementioned if I always defenseless my mom. My mind can't process that lol

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  • Thunderstorms

    No and I'll brand sure it stays that fashion.

  • SunnyCaliGirl

    No because I practise not exercise that

  • H2OBearer

  • masterkamasutra

    I become caught by sisters several times.

  • Pyromaniac69

    Nope. Been caught before only not by parents

  • rileypantera

    Mom walked in on me one time, I was fourteen.

    Like 1 Person

  • sparkly-crystal

  • Anonymous

    They ALMOST did, it was and so close 😂

    Like 2 People

    • SoManyQuestions87

      Them or the orgasm lol?

    • Anonymous

      Both 😂

  • Luck4Luck

  • IceEverest

  • Bear witness More (2)


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